
The high school was founded in 1939 and today offers a choice of courses and objectives that guarantee students a range of opportunities suited to their versatility, skills and work expectations, as well as their subsequent university choices.
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The Institute is composed of 5 pre-schools, 4 primary schools, 2 secondary schools and 3 high schools.
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The Institute is composed of 18 plexuses housing the pre-school, primary and secondary schools. The Institute hosts approximately 1,400 pupils.
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The high school was founded in 1960 and hosts approximately 900 students.
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The Institute was established in 2011 and is composed of four plexuses housing the pre-school, primary and secondary schools. The Institute hosts approximately 1,000 pupils.
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First Primary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - Gotse Delchev
First Primary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius ”is the first innovative primary school in Blagoevgrad district, Southwestern Bulgaria.
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Nikolay Katranov Secondary School, Svishtov
Sofia University "Nikolai Katranov" was opened in 1964 as a primary and secondary school with students from 1st to 8th grade. The school is the only one in the municipality of Svishtov with classes with a profile "Foreign Languages".
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Celesten Frene Private Primary School, Burgas
Frene School is a candidate for Innovative School at the Ministry of Education. In 2023/2024 the school will welcome its first 4th grade. Our long-term ambitions are to develop a junior high school education.
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Nikola Y. Vaptsarov Secondary School, General Toshevo
Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov is a high school in the town of General Toshevo. The school accepts and trains students from grades 1-12.
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Secondary School Viktoria and Kirkor Tyutyundzhiyan
Secondary School Viktoria and Kirkor Tyutyundzhiyan is the Armenian school in the heart of Old Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The school was founded in 1834 and since then is a temple not only of knowledge, but also of two cultures.
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Hristo Smirnenski Secondary School, town of Gulyantsi, district Pleven
Hristo Smirnenski High School
Town of Gulyantsi, Municipality of Gulyantsi, 19 Georgi Sava Rakovski Str
Phone: 065612549, 065613134
GSM: 0878514066
Email: hrsmirnenski_gulyantsi@abv.bg
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GSM: 0878514066
Email: hrsmirnenski_gulyantsi@abv.bg

Hristo Botev Primary School, Batanovtsi
Hristo Botev Primary School in Batanovtsi was founded in 1907. Today it has the status of an innovative school of the Ministry of Education of Bulgaria.
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Website of the year
Website of the year is a media partners of the AMeLiE project in Bulgaria.
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Gnadenthal-Mädchenrealschule Ingolstadt
Coming from the tradition of a convent school, wants to teach its students values, skills, competencies and personality traits that enable them to live a fulfilled, happy life in peace with themselves and with responsibility for the world.
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Otto-Nagel-Gymnasium Berlin
The Otto Nagel Gymnasium, short ONG, presents itself as a modern school in a historic building. The lessons are strongly oriented towards new media and thus all grades are laptop classes. The ONG is a chalk-free school and stands as a "Peace School" and "School without Racism - School with Courage" for democratic coexistence, open-mindedness and social commitment.
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Evangelisches Gymnasium Siegen
We are a Gymnasium (Secondary School/High School grades 5-12) in the city of Siegen. We strive to implement project work and opportunities for our students' personality development and looking to expand our exchange programmes.
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Experimental School of the University of Thessaloniki
The Experimental School of the University of Thessaloniki, is a place of practice of educational and pedagogical methodology.
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2nd High School of Xanthi
The 2nd General High School of Xanthi, followed the pilot program of moving students per lesson and continues to implement it to this day, despite the fact that it has expired.
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Music School of Larissa
The Music School was and remains the aesthetic cultivation of students through music education, without lagging behind the general education.
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4th Elementary School of Pallini
This school is located in Leontario of Pallini and has been honored with the flag of ecological schools.
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6th Elementary School of Pallini
This is an elementary school located in Leontario of Pallini and has been honored with the flag of ecological schools.
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Kinderdarden - Nursery "Archontia Kathariou"
The Kinderdarden - Nursery "Archontia Kathariou" approach, aims at educating children in their democratic functioning within the school and through their relationships with peers.
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Savremena Gimnazija / Contemporary Gymnasium, Belgrade
Conceived as a place where students learn about the world around them in a creative and modern way, Savremena Gimnazija is an inspiring environment for ambitious young people who strive towards high academic goals.
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OŠ Vuk Karadžić Bajmok / Primary School Vuk Karadžić, Bajmok
Elementary school "Vuk Karadzic" was created in 1963. The school is located in the center of Bajmok and consists of a complex of three buildings. The old buildings date back to 1909 and with the new school building from 2009 it makes a magnificent building and also the center of events in Bajmok.
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Vrtić “Play” / Kindergarten “Play”, Belgrade

Gymnasium in Lazarevac
Gymnasium in Lazarevac
The Gymnasium in Lazarevac is a secondary school enrolling students in two sections - socio-linguistic and natural-mathematical. It was founded in 1942. Their FB page is https://www.facebook.com/gimla2014/.
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“Tudor Vladimirescu” National College Târgu-Jiu
Tudor Vladimirescu College was established in September 1890 as the "Tudor Vladimirescu" Royal Gymnasium. In 1977, the realist-humanist high school changed its profile, becoming the High School of Mathematics-Physics, and in 1999 became the National College "Tudor Vladimirescu”.
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“Tudor Vianu” National College of Informatic Bucharest
The institution moved towards a field of the future, computer science. Its prestige increased year by year and in 1997 obtained the title of "College" and also received the honour of bearing the name of the great Romanian literary critic Tudor Vianu.
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“Mihai Eminescu” National College Petroșani
Mihai Eminescu National College Petrosani aims to promote a modern education, which offers students the opportunity to develop in terms of knowledge accumulation, character formation and modelling, development and strengthening of skills and competencies
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“Samuel von Brukenthal” National College Sibiu
"Samuel von Brukenthal" National College is a state school taught in the German minority language, subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Research through the Sibiu County School Inspectorate.
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“Mircea cel Batran” National College Râmnicu Vâlcea
The excellent teaching conditions, a highly qualified teaching staff, an imposing building, make "Mircea cel Batran" National College Ramnicu-Valcea a pre-university unit of great attraction for parents who want to prepare thoroughly their children for their success in life.
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