AMeLiE Project
Advanced Media Literacy
to counter online hate speech
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About the Project

The AMeLiE project involves innovative practices in the digital age and social inclusion: these are two aspects of fundamental importance, strongly correlated, and which permeate our life. Social inclusion is a priority that goes beyond national and European borders, becoming a central node to be addressed in all fields and at all levels, from the institutional one to that of the various communities. The virtual world, the internet, social media, are also communities, and should therefore not be excluded from this common effort for a more tolerant, fairer and respectful society. This is why AMeLiE addresses the issue of online hate-speech, which has become particularly evident thanks to its current diffusion and popularity on social media, that is where young people have more easily access.

The AMeLie project
multiplier event in Patras, Greece
The Romanian winning school
of the Kind Speech Day contest
at the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022
AMeLiE project
at Fiera DIDACTA
in Florence 2022
AMeLiE project
at DIDACTA educational fair 2022
AMeLiE Workshop
at ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022

Project Partners

European Grants International Academy srl (EGInA)

Italy - Coordinator

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Hellenic Open University (HOU)

All Digital Aisb


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Digital Opportunities Foundation (Stiftung Digitale Chancen, SDC)


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Educating for an Open Society Romania (EOS)


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Parole Ostili

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