20th anniversary of Digital Opportunities Foundation

Berlin, 09.09.2022: For 20 years, the Digital Opportunities Foundation, cooperation partner in the AMeLiE project, has been committed to digital participation of all population groups. On Wednesday, September 7, the foundation team celebrated the anniversary at bUm in Berlin together with long-time collaborators, stakeholders and experts from the field of digitization and digital participation. When […]
Two European school platforms in one!

The former School Education Gateway and the teachers’ favourite e-Twinning platform recently merged into the European School Education Platform – the new integrated platform for schools in Europe. The School Education Gateway was an online platform for teachers, school leaders, researchers, teacher educators, policymakers and other professionals working in school education across all levels, including Early Childhood Education and […]
AMeLiE international workshop in Prague

While we are preparing for a well-deserved Summer break, save the date for the AMeLiE international workshop in Prague! The workshop will take place in the framework of the biggest international event on digital transformation coming up in September – the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022. It will take place in the Czech capital under the Presidency […]
Let’s expand our virtual network against hate speech!

Next to creating an online learning platform for teachers on which they can find a lot of useful information, worksheets and materials about hate speech to use in class, one main objective of our AMeLiE project is to create a Europe-wide virtual school network against online hate speech. The first phase, the piloting of the […]