This Tuesday, German project partner Stiftung Digitale Chancen (SDC) had the honor to welcome a group of 15 people from Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, all pedagogical professionals on the mission of preventing and fighting cybercrime, hatred and sexism against women. The meeting was part of a study trip organized by NGO Global Project Partners (GPP) for their project “SafetyNet – cyberviolence against women and girls” on behalf of the German Federal Foreign Office as part of the program “Expansion of cooperation with civil society in the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Russia”.
The aim of this project is to help Ukrainians, Georgians and Moldovans improve and expand their local services to support victims of cyberviolence. The participants were exploring best practices and role models and were looking forward to an exchange with representatives of the German civil society in this field.
Therefore, it was a perfect occasion to present our AMeLiE project activities – since our mission, fighting online hate, aligns perfectly with the aim of the visitors.
It was a very interesting and fruitful exchange for all sides – and our guests showed great interest in the project – especially the AMeLiE learning platform and the worksheets designed for raising awareness and preventing hateful speech, extremism and cyberbullying. Ideas arose for future collaborations and for possible expansions of AMeLiE project and outputs to other countries and languages.
We are definitely looking forward to welcome new members in our AMeLiE network against hate speech – everyone from everywhere is welcome to join forces against online hate and promoting kind and respectful speech.