AMeLiE partners are organizing a workshop titled “Combating online hate speech – the power of media literacy and non-hostile communication”. This is our first international event in a face-to-face mode since the project started. It will take place on 28th September from 14h15 till 17h30 as a side event of the ALL DIGITAL Summit – the biggest international event on digital skills and digital inclusion in Europe. The Summit itself is on 29-30th September. A second session on AMeLiE will take place as part of the Summit main programme on 29th September from 14:15h in the Youth track. I will be a hands-on session to experience the AMeLiE methodology. Below you can find more information about the two sessions.
N.B. Registration for the event in closed and live streaming will not be provided but if you are not able to join us in Prague, don’t worry – we will publish a detailed report after the event.
Workshop 1
“Combating online hate speech – the power of media literacy and non-hostile communication”
When: 28th September 2022 at 14h15-17h30
Where: Vzlet, Holandská 669/1, 101 00 Praha 10-Vršovice, Czechia
We will discuss what online hate speech is and what is the role of education and teachers in addressing this phenomenon. We will share tools and approaches and we will hear from activists, educators, and young people themselves. We will learn more about the Manifesto of non-hostile communication and its ten principles, and check whether you apply them in your everyday online communication at work, or in your other activities and free time. We will learn how to organise a Kind Speech Day campaign and hear from the teacher who already did it. And we will show you how to use all the resources available for free!
14h15-14h20 Welcome
14h20-14h40 Keynote speech
14h40-15h40 Panel discussion “How to address online hate speech through education”
Moderator: Gabriela Ruseva
Konstantinos Potsis, Project Manager, LEAD-Learn, Engage, Act: Digital Tools to Prevent and Counter Hate Speech Online project, HOU
Pablo Maldonado, Independent analytics consultant and lecturer at the University of New York in Prague and Newton University
Chiara Borsini, Project manager and trainer at European Grants International Academy (EGInA)
15h40 – 16h00 Coffee break
16h00 – 17h00 Panel discussion “Advanced media literacy education to counter online hate speech”
Moderator: Altheo Valentini
Chiara Borsini, Project manager and trainer at European Grants International Academy
Eleni Georgakakou, Project Manager & Senior Researcher, DAISSy Research Group, HOU
Laura Hänsch, Project manager and coordinator, Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Gabriela Ruseva, ALL DIGITAL
17h00 – 17h30 How to… organise a Kind speech day campaign – a panel with winning teachers to share experience their campaigns 10’ Q&A
17h30 – 18h30 Networking apero
Workshop 2
Youth track: Training teachers and representatives of school communities on advanced media literacy skills and the issue of online hate-speech
When: 29th September 2022 at 14h15-15h30
Where: Vzlet, Holandská 669/1, 101 00 Praha 10-Vršovice, Czechia
In this practical session, you will experience first-hand the educational worksheets that support teachers to address the topic of online hate speech in their classroom and to teach kind speech to their students. Lara Fina Ferrari, English teacher at IC Vergante in Invorio, Italy, and winner of the Best Kind Speech School Campaign competition, will show us how to use the AMeLiE worksheets to organize activities with your students. Then, we will put ourselves in the shoes of high school students and do a hands-on activity. If you are a teacher, educator, researcher, or parent – you are concerned with this. Come join us and see what you can do to support kids and young people.
14h15-14h20 Introduction of the AMeLiE project (Gabriela Ruseva, Project Officer ALL DIGITAL)
14h20 – 14h25 Explaining the structure of the worksheets (Lara Fina Ferarri)
14h25 – 15h25 Experiencing the methodology first-hand – working in groups, moderated by Lara Fina Ferarri
15h25 – 15h30 Participants share any reflections from the experience