Coming soon… “Combating online hate speech – the power of media literacy and non-hostile communication”

AMeLiE partners are organizing a workshop titled “Combating online hate speech – the power of media literacy and non-hostile communication”. This is our first international event in a face-to-face mode since the project started. It will take place on 28th September from 14h15 till 17h30 as a side event of the ALL DIGITAL Summit – […]
And the Kind Speech Day campaign winner in Romania is…

The #KindSpeechDay campaign carried out in the AMeLiE partner schools in Romania, has selected its winner at the national level! The campaign implemented by our colleagues from National College “Tudor Vladimirescu” Tg. Jiu was designated as the most suggestive among #KindSpeechDay campaigns organised by partner schools in Romania. To ensure the participation of a big […]