Peer Education to Counter Antigypsyist Hate Speech Online

Online hate speech can take many forms and manifest itself in many ways. Over time, certain categories of the population such as Roma people, have been the subject of hate speech phenomenon more than other people. Even nowadays, Roma people have to face the hate speech phenomenon and to deal with hostile attitudes which are […]

20th anniversary of Digital Opportunities Foundation

Berlin, 09.09.2022: For 20 years, the Digital Opportunities Foundation, cooperation partner in the AMeLiE project, has been committed to digital participation of all population groups. On Wednesday, September 7, the foundation team celebrated the anniversary at bUm in Berlin together with long-time collaborators, stakeholders and experts from the field of digitization and digital participation. When […]

Countering hate speech through arts and art education

The extended use of digital media brought modern communication ethics to become a field of significant concern, because phenomena like the alarming amplification of online hate speech hinder inclusion, freedom of speech and digital citizenship. Hate speech has raised a discussion on a global scale, especially since the evolution of the internet has transformed human […]

And the Kind Speech Day campaign winner in Romania is…

The #KindSpeechDay campaign carried out in the AMeLiE partner schools in Romania, has selected its winner at the national level! The campaign implemented by our colleagues from National College “Tudor Vladimirescu” Tg. Jiu was designated as the most suggestive among #KindSpeechDay campaigns organised by partner schools in Romania. To ensure the participation of a big […]

Two European school platforms in one!

The former School Education Gateway and the teachers’ favourite e-Twinning platform recently merged into the European School Education Platform – the new integrated platform for schools in Europe. The School Education Gateway was an online platform for teachers, school leaders, researchers, teacher educators, policymakers and other professionals working in school education across all levels, including Early Childhood Education and […]

Kind Speech Campaign at the Otto-Nagel-Gymnasium in Berlin

The Kind Speech Campaign “Hasskommentare im internet” has been developed by the Otto-Nagel-Gymnasium school based Berlin. The project consisted of a 6-week plan with different aesthetical and methodical approaches of sharing our kind messages with the school community and followers of our social media accounts. In discussion with one of our intensified courses in English […]

Special survey “JIMplus” on fake news and hate speech in the everyday life of young people | Germany

Extracts from the press release of the mpfs (Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest), translated to English Source: Stuttgart, Germany, July 2022 Young people between the ages of twelve and 19 regularly come across fake news and hate speech on the Internet. Contact with these phenomena increases with age. Hate-filled comments are perceived above all on Instagram, […]